Rahayu Elfiyanti., M.Pd

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe, who has bestowed thousands of graces and blessings on all of us from the time we were born until now. Shalawat and Salam may always be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the age of ignorance to the age of Islamic light.

The acceleration of information technology requires educational institutions to carry out high-level acceleration, so that educational innovations can be delivered in a valid, up to date, and reliable manner.

The presence of the SD Islam Al Azhar 52 Sidoarjo website is taking part in the framework of accelerating the dissemination of information to the wider community. The quality of education which is full of innovation and creativity from all school members makes the role of the school website vital for disseminating educational activities at SD Islam Al Azhar 52.

This website is one of the media publications for information, branding and aspiration media owned by SD Islam Al Azhar 52. We try to integrate all the media we have in the form of Instagram, YouTube and other media to maximize all of the roles mentioned.

Finally, we would like to say thanks to all of those who support this website. The full participation of the school community and related stakeholders is important for the continuation of the ideals of the website in the future.

Thank You,

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Profil Sekolah

SD Islam AL Azhar 52 Sidoarjo
Jl. Raya Semampir No.150 Surabaya
No SK Akreditasi
Jenjang Pendidikan
SK Pendirian
Tanggal SK Pendirian
SK Ijin Operasional
Tgl SK Ijin Operasional

Tenaga Pengajar

Maulita Yuliani, S.Pd
Irma Widya Anggrai...
Vania Rifqy Nafisa...
Ichi Dyah Ayu Ning...
Ziyadatul Husnaini...

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Nikmati Cara Mudah dan Menyenangkan Ketika Membaca Buku, Update Informasi Sekolah Hanya Dalam Genggaman

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Kirim email ke kamisdialazhar52@gmail.com

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Nikmati Cara Mudah dan Menyenangkan Ketika Membaca Buku, Update Informasi Sekolah Hanya Dalam Genggaman